Change adaptation challenges in emerging markets
It is by default human beings are resistant to change; that said how do we overcome this phenomenon and what are the critical success factors. The article explores specefic reasons of change resistance in adaptation of new found ways of doing things better, faster and more efficiently; primarily resistance to adaptation of technology enabled services.
Heraclitus of Ephesus (/ˌhɛrəˈklaɪtəs/; Greek: Ἡράκλειτος ὁ Ἐφέσιος, Hērákleitos ho Ephésios; c. 535 – c. 475 BCE) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher once said "Change is the only constant". To this date, the observation remains true and is one of the most talked about element in the process of our continuosly changing universe.

In order to accomodate change via means of reduced resistance is to turn it into a gradual process. Ideally no one says resists something good but when it is handed to them in a platter all of sudden, the initial reaction of not knowing the unknown makes it one step too far.
Development today typically is led by technological advancement. While that is true literally, technology is an intrinsic part of human culture, and different cultures may treat technology in very different ways. So that traditional values are unaffected and enhanced while new technologies allow more productive and sustainable outcomes; adaptation to change is key indicator to national growth.
The intent of this article is to identify and find new ways to enable the various process oriented changes that is much needed for change adaptation.